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Recycled Transmissions in Portage, MI

Certified auto recyclers in the state of Michigan make it possible for second hand shops to remain in business. The process of gathering parts from broken down vehicles is known as recycling. Components are then sold back to the public in either used or refurbished condition. Powertrain Pros is one of the sole providers of recycled transmissions in Portage, MI on the web.

It takes a working relationship with more than one company to run an auto supply business. During a typical gearbox rebuild, components must be ordered from several places. Older parts are not easy to find for resellers or for consumers. Thanks to the 21st century technology, the Internet is introducing rebuilders and users of gearboxes together. Since a gearbox has hundreds of parts, it can take a lot of time to recondition the assembly.

Choosing Portage Transmission Rebuilders

When a junk yard owner sells a part to a consumer, the sales transaction is usually complete. No further communication is needed because warranties are generally not offered. When something is refurbished, there is an implied guarantee that everything will work as expected once it is installed. By keeping business at the local level, a mechanic or even a car owner benefits greatly from neighborhood rebuilders.

The Southern part of Michigan still provides access to the same quality of parts found in Detroit and Saginaw. It just takes a connection with the right company. The rebuilding of manual and automatic gearbox assemblies that the Powertrain Pros company offers helps people maintain use of older units. Because some builds are not in active production, restoring the quality is the only way to continue using the assembly.

Gearboxes and Long-Term Warranty Plans

Do you know what the average used parts warranty includes? Most people receive 90 days after purchase to try out the part. If something happens during this period, a component can be fixed or replaced with a comparable unit. A long-term option is buying recycled transmissions that include an appropriate warranty. The industry standard for warranty coverage on anything rebuilt is usually two to three years.

For someone who does not know, there are literally hundreds of parts that are restored to functionality. The process is long and it takes a lot of testing to maintain accurate gearing. Gaskets are replaced. Torque is measured. Fluid is checked for leaks. This is far beyond the scope of any used transmission retail shop. Choosing a reliable transmission service provider eliminates almost every issue that can come up with maintenance.

Buy Rebuilt Manual or Automatic Versions

A car, truck or other type of vehicle might have a stick-shift or automatic gearbox assembly. These are rebuilt daily here. Choosing the right model means providing the base production year and vehicle model here online. The revised system will find a match of current inventory and a generous sale price will be offered.